Digital Innovations and Technology Startups Support Programme

The non-reimbursable financing offered through the Programme is a maximum of 80% of the amount of the investment project, but will not exceed the maximum amount of 500.000 MDL and the own contribution will be a minimum of 20%.
The programme has
four components
thematic funding:
- Digital innovation
- Technological innovation
- Green technology
- Sustainable productio

The programme has the following thematic funding objectives:
- to promote the development of high value-added industries within a broad innovation ecosystem of cooperating stakeholders representing government, MSMEs, civil society, academia, financial institutions and local and international development partners;
- Accelerating the implementation of the digital, circular and green economy through technological progress to create attractive jobs, enhance economic competitiveness and protect natural ecosystems;
- attracting investment for start-ups with scalable growth potential in the targeted sectors and industries and their export;
- Establishment of an alternative innovation and business development funding mechanism for high-potential start-ups in digital innovation, information and communication technologies, green technologies and sustainable production.
The Programme will provide grants of up to:
Up to 500.000 MDL
The non-reimbursable financing offered through the Programme is a maximum of 80% of the amount of the investment project, but will not exceed the maximum amount of 500.000 MDL and the own contribution will be a minimum of 20%.
Submission and processing of Application Forms
Application to the Programme is made by online submission of the Application Form, signed with qualified electronic signature by the applicant and the documents according to the application guidelines.
Pre-financing evaluation of applications
Only complete dossiers are admitted to the pre-financing evaluation stage, and include:
- Analysis of the presence of the innovative component of the business idea/investment project;
- Analysis of the economic compliance of the business idea/investment project;
- Business idea/investment project presentation session.
Approval of the grant
Approval of the final decision to finance/reject the investment project is made by the Finance and Risk Committee and is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
In the process of approving the files, the Funding and Risk Committee will look at the compliance of the investment projects with the aim, objectives and requirements of the Programme, as well as taking into account the viability of the business, the achievement of result indicators and the impact on economic development.
Finalisation and conclusion of the Financing Contract
The financing contract shall be signed by the parties:
- Either by holographic signature - in two copies, one of which shall be handed to the Beneficiary and the other kept at the ODA;
- Either by qualified electronic signature - if the parties to the grant contract have agreed to conclude it by exchange of electronic documents.
Execution of the Financing Contract and implementation of the investment project
Financial support in the form of a grant is transferred directly to the beneficiary in three instalments as follows:
- The first instalment, amounting to 50% of the approved grant amount, will be transferred after the signature of the grant contract;
- The second instalment, amounting to 30% of the approved grant amount, will be transferred after submission of the complete set of confirmatory documents on the investment of the beneficiary's own contribution as well as the documents confirming the realisation of the investment of the first instalment according to the grant contract;
- The third instalment in the amount of 20% of the approved grant amount, will be transferred after the complete implementation of the investment project and the submission of the complete set of confirmatory documents by the Beneficiary and, where applicable, the carrying out of the on-site visit/monitoring ex officio.
Post-financing monitoring, archiving and evaluation
The monitoring period for beneficiaries of financial support lasts 36 months from the date of submission of the complete set of documents on the use of financial resources.
Monitoring is carried out in two stages:
- post-financing monitoring
- final monitoring.

Approved by:
Beneficiaries of the Programme can be:
- Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, defined in accordance with Article 4 of Law No 179/2016;
- natural persons intending to set up a business, with the exception of natural persons operating on the basis of a patent and public law legal persons.
Eligibility criteria:
- Develops/creates the product and/or service in accordance with the thematic funding components indicated in point 2 of Annex No 1 to GD 243/2022, and has growth potential;
- carries out or intends to carry out entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Republic of Moldova;
Digital Innovations and Technology Start-ups Support Programme
It aims to provide non-reimbursable funding to innovative small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups for products and services in the field of information and communication technologies, new technologies, in order to stimulate research and development in the field of information and communication technologies, prototyping and innovation in the field of sustainable industrial production and green technologies.
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